Programma nutrizionale

This program has three objectives

Educate on healthy eating habits

We want to train mothers on how to cook healthier and share knowledge on nutrition

Reduce obesity among children

We want to support mothers providing a set of recipes, tips and tricks and the possibility to share experience within the community

Reduce food waste

We support our community on ways to reduce food waste through our Menu Planner and Smart Shopping Lists

Our Goal

In poco tempo vogliamo barcollare e
quantità di successo davvero commovente


Le madri single e le donne incinte single a basso reddito necessitano di sostegno

Il nostro obiettivo è fornire a 100 madri single e 25 single pregnant women with a monthly fresh foodbasket during 12 mesi. We have calculated a montlhy rate of : 300Euro per madre single con 2 bambini, 200Euros for a single pregnant mother.

The access to food provision process is being fully digitalized to better track the number of healthy food items provided so that we can measure the impact of reducing obesity on those families as a poverty related nutritional issue.

Sollevato: €100 Goal: € 50'000
Madri single

Diventa un volontario

Unisciti a noi per una vita migliore e un futuro meraviglioso